I am Akbar, a trained Statistician, AI developer and GIS scientist that wears many hats as a data scientist.

Now, you may ask about the name of this site, Chronitron. The name comes from Star Trek, where the Chronitron particle is used to describe a particle that effects time. Thus, combining the two passions of mine, Star Trek and ever change, I chose Chronitron, the change of myself over time.

My research interests are in the area of artificial adaptive systems (AAS) and statistical learning, as well as information theory and its applications in image processing. I have applied AAS to locate and identify buried, unexploded munitions, determine soil type using satellite images, predicting the propagation and starting location of Listeria, and created a self-learning artificial intelligence to predict flu from social media. I have developed multiple algorithms for helping with the dissemination of Survey’s using natural language processing, and have developed a self-service data delivery tool for end-users. However, my biggest accomplishment, by a large margin, is to mentor and help develop the next generation, and seeing them be more than I am. I also greatly enjoy helping in the development of graduate students at Carnegie Mellon University where I teach R for Data Science and Data Mining Courses.

Like most of us in code centric jobs, I have benefited a lot from the community resources, thus, I have decided to start giving back. I hope that by showing my work, I can in some way give back to the community and inspire the next generation of data scientists.

This site will be a way for me to contribute back to the opensource community.